Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why Not My-Not

So here I am, 32 years old and living in Minot, North Dakota. How does one go from living a few blocks from the beach in Santa Monica or living in a penthouse in Philadelphia to Minot, North Dakota? I am an accidental tourists living in a strange land. The motto for my new home town is "Why not My-Not". Now don't get me wrong there is very little crime here, the people are nice and the low cost of living is great but I actually have a list of reasons for why not Minot:

1. People here still write checks for everything- Burger King, Taco Bell, beer, groceries, gas, they even leave a check on the table at a restaurant which includes the tip

2. The cold weather- have you ever had to plug your car into an electrical socket? Well I do. There were days when it was -50 degrees here. . negative fifty degrees! It snowed almost every other day and yet my husband refused to buy a snow blower. He told me I could shovel the snow and workout for free.

3. The next closest town is 2 1/2 hours away and NOTHING else. You might think Gretchen there are other towns and houses you must mean there aren't other large towns close by. No- I drove 4 hours the other day and the only thing I saw were mosquitoes hitting my car and a few cattle.

4. Wal-Mart. This is where i have to buy my clothes, my groceries and home goods- enough said.

5. Did I mention the cold weather. . . .

I am still adjusting to my new life here and at the suggestion of Lauren (see I gave you a shout out now I have to give you royalties) I decided to write a blog. I am about 4 years too late on the whole blog scene- maybe after Twitter jumps the shark I will go on there too.


  1. If you haven't yet - you absolutely need to check out New in Town... I thought of you the entire time. We miss you in the East! Good luck with the blog! Love ya - G

  2. Venting is healthy, go to town with it!

  3. Look, there are worse things in life, missy. Buck up, look to the skies for inspiration and enjoy where God has sent you! You may never pass this waya again.

    -Davey J.

  4. Gretchen:
    I thought I was the queen of dry. I may have to rethink that now :) I am very proud of you. Either you are someone who really takes initiative or you really are soooo bored there that blogging seemed like a fun alternative. Either way, get those creative juices flowing...and the title, accidental tourist, is perfect!
    Thanks for the shout out :)
